
An employee may file a complaint with the Office of the Labor Commissioner if they believe that a Nevada Revised Statute or Administrative Code is being violated by an employer.  The difference between a Complaint and a Wage Claim is that usually when a Complaint is filed, there are no wages due.  For example, an employee might file a Complaint if their employer is not giving them their break.  However, in some instances, there may be wages due but the employee would like to remain anonymous.  An employee must provide personally identifying information on a Wage Claim, but not a Complaint. 


When a Complaint is filed, a warning letter will be sent to the employer explaining the law and asking that the employer make sure that they are in compliance.  The Office of the Labor Commissioner may use these complaints to conduct audits.  Especially if there are multiple complaints received for the same employer.  If you receive a letter regarding a Complaint that has been filed against you, you are urged to conduct your own audit and pay all, if any, wages due to your employees.  Making sure you are in compliance with Nevada Law will prevent you from having to pay penalties and/or administrative fines.